To our amazing subscribers, the people who are truly keeping us afloat!
First off I would like to thank each and every one of you for reaching out and showing your enthusiasm and encouragement for what Life Vest Inside is all about. Whether you’ve shown it by signing up for the mailing list, reaching out through FB, following us on twitter, posting your positive feedback on Life Vest Inside’s youtube video, or by a simple heartfelt email expressing your gratitude. Your support means a great deal to me and I’d like you to know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
This is Life Vest Inside’s very first email update and I would like to give you a rundown on the plans Life Vest Inside has for the future and what we’re doing right now to insure its success.
So what are we about?
For the most part, all of you have found us through the Kindness Boomerang, an inspirational film I shot last summer. But Life Vest Inside encompasses so much more!
Through acts of kindness, LVI aims to empower individuals to recognize the potential they have within to effect real and positive change in the world.
Our vision is simple: By living kindly, Change is Possible! However, LVI doesn’t simply inspire. We aim to take people from mere inspiration to the follow through that will truly make a difference in the world.
Our motto: Inspire, Engage, Educate, Connect!
I. Inspire:
*Film: Media is a proven way of reaching the public and inspiring change. Since the release of our first film three months ago, the film has reached well over 15 million people across the globe.
Reports of kind acts, increased awareness, and stronger sense of self have been pouring in from people of all backgrounds, cultures, and religions. It’s almost as if there is something magical in the air touching the lives of people and inspiring them to take action and make a change.
If a single film, based on truth and the purity of spirit has encouraged a kindness revolution, the possibilities for change and a brighter tomorrow are endless. And so, Life Vest Inside is in the process of creating additional films to inspire the masses to take action and remind us all that the power of kindness exists within each of us.
*Current projects:
We currently have three short spots in postproduction and we will be releasing them over the next couple of months.
We are currently working on our next short. We will be posting the project to gain funding on Kickstarter. Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Once we post our project, I’ll be sure to let you know so you can check it out. Our next film focuses around our future, the children. The goal of which is to empower children to see the opportunities for kindness that surround them on a daily basis.
The social issues plaguing the youth of today have sky rocketed. While there are programs developed as anti-bullying, anti-drug, and so forth – these programs only deal with the problem once it becomes a problem. LVI acts to prevent such issues from materializing by focusing on the positive rather than the negative; it’s not about fighting against bullying, but rather about empowering children to recognize the potential within themselves. I have great hopes for our next film and we’d love to hear your feedback.
*A film for the people by the people:
Life Vest Inside is also in the process of creating a film for the people by the people; compiling clips from people across the globe. This is a chance for you to become part of a film and contribute something of your own. Details of the project to come shortly – so stay tuned!
I have just started a blog on the Life Vest Inside website to share with you inspiring and heart warming stories and thoughts from my own life. Have something to contribute? Submit a guest blog post for a chance for your story to be featured as our Featured Guest Blog post of the month!
Check us out on Facebook and Twitter and be inspired each day!
II. Engage:
*Mobile App: Life Vest Inside is in the process of developing a truly revolutionary mobile app with the ability to connect people across the globe through their acts of kindness; giving people the opportunity to see first hand how their actions have a positive effect on so many others.
*Website: The Life Vest Inside website is in the process of being developed to maximum capacities, encouraging a worldwide kindness connection as people share thoughts, quotes, stories, photographs, videos, and concerns.
The website will serve as a “Kindness Network”, connecting people living oceans and miles apart through the theme of kindness. More details to follow – stay tuned…
Life Vest Inside wants to give our supporters the opportunity to turn inspiration into action. We are organizing a Kindness Mission Day.
Join the Life Vest Inside team as we head out on a day all to do with kindness. From soup kitchens, to hospitals, to get our hands dirty cleaning a park, and of course a fun group activity teaching us the importance of appreciation, we will be out from morning until evening entrenched in a world of kindness. Details of the day to follow. Check out our blog and our FB page for updates on event details. Our first event will take place in NYC, but we have hopes of creating similar events in other regions across the globe.
Interested in starting a Kindness Mission Day for Life Vest Inside in your hometown? GREAT! Shoot us an email and we will place you on the list and give you the resources you need to get it done.
III. Educate:
*Kindness Curriculum: “The children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they posses inside, give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be.”
Life Vest Inside is in the process of developing a Social Emotional Learning program geared towards 4th-12th grade children as a preventive measure to combat the social issues plaguing the youth of today. The program is focused on building self-esteem, self-awareness, and confidence through the idea of giving; the concept of kindness.
*Motivational speaking: During the upcoming months, LVI is scheduling pilot lessons/workshops in schools, universities and companies to introduce the program; allowing people the opportunity to see first hand the impact of the program and its ability to make a difference. If you’re interested in scheduling a lecture/workshop feel free to contact us or register on
IV. Connect:
Life Vest Inside is creating a volunteer database, making it fun, easy and accessible to turn inspiration into action by allowing users to be matched up with an accredited organization in their area that caters to their interests. More info about our database on the way…
V. Staying Afloat: Funding
Life Vest Inside is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donation are 100% tax deductible. The power to make a difference in someone’s life begins with you. Every donation helps infuse the world with kindness that can be heard, that can be seen, but more importantly that can truly be felt. Therefore the contributions of companies and individuals are greatly appreciated. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Interested in donating a dollar – every little bit helps keep us afloat!
*Fundraising events:
Want to organize a bake sale, basketball tournament, marathon, concert, etc to help raise money for Life Vest Inside? The possibilities for fund raising events are endless and we can most ceratinly use all the help we can get. If you are interested in organizing a fund raising event for the organization let us know!
Have any suggestions, ideas? We would love to hear from you and value your feedback!
Well, that was a mouth full! If you are interested in volunteering or signing up as an intern feel free to fill out a volunteer form. Want to take on a bigger role? We are currently choosing a select group of people as Team Leaders. Click here to learn more and sign up.
Always remember the words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of committed people will change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has”
Join us in taking baby steps towards making the world a better place – by reminding people that it’s cool to be kindJ
With love, kindness, and a whole lotta respect,
Your fan!
Orly Wahba