Our History

Back in 2010, LIFE VEST INSIDE founder created Kindness Boomerang, showing how one kind choice leads to another. The film went viral reaching over 100 million people globally. With that the Kindness Revolution began!

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Our Founder

Life Vest Inside is a perfect testament to the fact that one person can truly spark positive change far beyond their own reach. It all grew out of Middle School educator, Orly Wahba’s childhood dream to bring the world together through the power of kindness.

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Why Kindness?

Kindness is linked to health and happiness. Did you know? Kindness stimulates the production of serotonin. Serotonin heals your wounds, calms you down, and makes you happy!

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Words of Love

What people are saying about Life Vest Inside?

“You taught me to be kind and loving. You taught me how to find inner peace. You taught me to forgive people. you saved a life. You changed someone's life story. You opened the gates to a better future for a human being. You made me happy again. What I learned from you, I am giving to others. You may not have changed the world, but you’ve changed my world!

Frederick Kunst, Denmark

“I have reached an unimaginable level of happiness now, all because of this organization… Kindness is a very powerful thing and it has changed my life indeed.

Jeremy Swanson, Colorado, USA

“My husband and I started a charitable organization after joining the LVI Ambassador group, and it has brought a new sense of purpose to our lives. Taking time out of your life to realize the world is a bigger place and we all need to take part in making it better is one of the greatest realizations we can all come to. Thank you to all my life vests!”

Moe Daly, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

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