What is the Daily Kind?

A 30 second read to kickstart your day with kindness.
The Daily Kind is sent out Monday through Friday at 7am and contains an act of kindness, inspirational quote, positive affirmation and kindness media. What a great way to kickstart your day! View Daily Kind Archives >>

Our monthly newsletter coming at you the first Tuesday of every month.
The Kindness Flash features organization updates, stories of hope from people around the world, interviews of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, as well as an act, quote, talk, song, video, book and more centered around each month’s kindness theme. This awesome 5 minute read is a great way to kick-start your month and get you seeing the world through the lens of kindness.

Our Impact to Date

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Subscribers (Kindness Flash)
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This newsletter includes:
- Daily Newsletter
- Kindness Quote
- Act of Kindness
- Positive Affirmation
- Kindness Media

This newsletter includes:
- Monthly Themed Newsletter
- Thoughts of the month
- Act of Kindness
- Song of the Month
- Article of the Month
- Talk of the Month
- Book of the Month
- Question of the Month
- Picture of the Month
- And so much more...
Kindness Has a Voice
What People are Saying...

At school they always show us your videos and Daily Kind email. My friends and I always get excited to hear your messages of the day! You bring so much kindness into my life and you make me want to go even more out of my way to help someone else. Now I always make sure to text my friend if they aren’t in school or hold the door for someone or talk to someone who needs it!
Andie Robustelli

This is all just so good. Thank you so much. May God bless you! Reading this makes me aware of my responsibility to do great deeds and champion positivity. I can actually see things changing right in front of my eyes. Thank you so much!
Swapnil Joglekar

Every one of my days begins with your Daily Kind email and it’s made such a difference. I’ve passed along your website to virtually everyone I know. You’ve clearly touched thousands [millions?] of us.

I want you to know that you serve as an amazing inspiration to me. There have been many days lately I was unsure how I was going to get through. And then I would open up my email and find a task. A simple task, yet a powerful reminder of the power of positivity and kindness.
Jillian Jennings