The Daily Kindness Digest #1870

Kindness Quote
“Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.”
Gordon B. Hinckley

Act of Kindness
Stay humble and be true to yourself. Greatness does not depend on what others think of you, but what you think of yourself.

Positive Affirmation
I am deserving of love and companionship.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1869

Kindness Quote
“You will never find time for anything. If you want time you have to make it.”
Charles Buxton

Act of Kindness
Your brain needs exercise just as much as your body. Segment a few minutes each day to read the book you’ve been hoping to make time for. It won’t move from your shelf unless you make a conscious effort to begin.

Positive Affirmation
I am open to new opportunities and experiences.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1868

Kindness Quote
“There is no small act of kindness. Every compassionate act makes large the world.”
Mary Anne Radmacher

Act of Kindness
We all can benefit from a little affection. Give someone a hug. The kind that comes from the heart, not just the arms.

Positive Affirmation
I am proud of myself and my accomplishments.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1867

Kindness Quote
“Smile with your lips, smile with your eyes, smile with your heart and your soul and your life.”
Terri Guillemets

Act of Kindness
Make a point to begin each phone call with a smile and a few kind words. Your smile can most certainly be heard and it makes all the difference to the person on the other end of the line.

Positive Affirmation
I am kind and compassionate towards myself and others.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1866

Motivation Monday
Life Vest Inside has had the very good fortune of finding writers willing to share their Kindness Stories/Articles with us. One of our special recurring writers is David Jablinowitz, Op-Ed Editor at Jerusalem Post, who is famous for his “bus stories.”
A Doctor’s Dedication
Dr. James had always wanted to be a doctor. As a child, he watched his grandfather, a country doctor, care for the sick and needy in their small town. He was inspired by his grandfather’s dedication to his work and the way he treated his patients with kindness and compassion.
Years later, after completing his medical training, Dr. James became a doctor himself. He opened a small clinic in a rundown neighborhood, where many of his patients were poor and underserved. Despite the challenging conditions, Dr. James was determined to provide the best care possible to each and every patient who walked through his doors.
Day in and day out, Dr. James worked tirelessly, seeing patients from early morning until late at night. He never turned anyone away, even if they couldn’t afford to pay. He treated everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances.
A young girl named Ellie came to see Dr. James. She was frail and sickly, with a persistent cough and a high fever. Dr. James examined her carefully and diagnosed her with tuberculosis, a potentially life-threatening illness. He immediately began treatment, administering antibiotics and other medications to help her fight the infection.
Over the next few weeks, Dr. James saw Ellie regularly, monitoring her progress and adjusting her treatment as needed. He also took the time to get to know her, learning about her family, her dreams, and her hopes for the future. He listened to her concerns and offered words of encouragement, always treating her with kindness and compassion.
Thanks to Dr. James’s expertise and dedication, Ellie recovered fully from her illness. She went on to finish school, graduate from college, and pursue her dreams of becoming a teacher. Throughout her life, she never forgot the kind and caring doctor who had helped her when she was sick and vulnerable.
Dr. James continued to practice medicine for many years, always treating his patients with the same level of dedication and kindness that he had shown Ellie. He knew that being a doctor was more than just a job – it was a calling, a way to make a real difference in the lives of others. And he was grateful every day for the opportunity to serve his patients with love and compassion.
~ Unknown
Finding yourself inspired to share your kindness story/article? Please submit it HERE – you can share via text, audio or video. Our editor will look it over! You may see your writing in a future issue of The Daily Kind!

Kindness Quote
“Kindness can open doors where doors were thought not to exist.”
Erica Wilson

Act of Kindness
Give up your parking spot to someone else that’s looking, even if you got there first. Unexpected kindness is always cherished and remembered.

Positive Affirmation
I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

Kindness Media
The Kindness Flash #70
This month’s theme: LISTENING
Articles of the Month
Why Listening Attentively Is an Act of Kindness – Lending a patient ear to a troubled soul and distressed soul is an act of compassion. People facing adversity long for understanding and sympathy from others. Listening carefully can ease their misery because it is an act of supreme goodness.
How to listen with kindness to someone seeking support – Sharing some advice on how to be there for a friend or loved one who is struggling with any difficult circumstance.

“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.”
Ralph Nichols
“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
Bryant H. McGill
“Listening is an attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another which both attracts and heals.”
J. Isham

Act of Kindness
Give someone your undivided attention: Put away any distractions, such as your phone or computer, and give your full attention to your friend. This shows that you value their time and that you are present with them.

Question of the Month
What role does listening play in showing kindness and building trust in relationships? Share.

Kindness Media

Photo of the Month

How does it feel to be truly heard? Share your thoughts!

Songs of the Month
This song is a reminder to actively listen to others and to show compassion and empathy.
In this song, the artist is talking to the moon, wishing it could hear his thoughts and understand what he is going through.
This song is about holding on and actively listening to someone who is struggling, and supporting them through their difficulties.

Videos of the Month
It’s easy to tell when someone’s not paying attention, but it can be surprisingly tricky to know what good listening looks like. Good listening is one of the most important things we can do to improve our relationships, develop our worldview, and potentially change people’s minds.
Listening is more than the act of hearing. It’s creating an environment in which the other person FEELS. If we truly listen to someone else’s perspective, we can gain understanding and engage in more meaningful dialogue.

Books of the Month
You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why It Matters – Kate Murphy – This book examines the art of listening in a digital age and provides insights into how to listen actively and with intention.
The Lost Art of Listening – Michael P. Nichols – This book explores the importance of active listening and provides practical tips for improving communication in relationships.
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life – Marshall B. Rosenberg – This book teaches the principles of compassionate communication, which includes actively listening and empathizing with others.
Listen, Buddy – Helen Lester – This humorous story teaches children about the importance of listening to others and considering their feelings.
The Rabbit Listened – Cori Doerrfeld – In this story, a young child learns the importance of being listened to and understood by a rabbit who listens without judgment.
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen – Howard Binkow – This book is about a rabbit who learns how to listen to others and the positive impact it has on his life and relationships.
The Daily Kindness Digest #1865

Kindness Quote
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”
Edward Everett Hale

Act of Kindness
Need a hand? Offer to help a teacher or classmate during your lunch break.

Positive Affirmation
I am surrounded by people who support and encourage me.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1864

Kindness Quote
“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything.”
Albert Einstein

Act of Kindness
Unplug and save energy.

Positive Affirmation
I am deserving of happiness and joy.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1863

Kindness Quote
“The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you are the pilot!”
Michael Altshuler

Act of Kindness
Running late? (It happens to the best of us.) Make a phone call or send an email to let someone know you won’t be there on time.

Positive Affirmation
I am strong and resilient.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1862

Kindness Quote
“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realize that they were the big things.”
Kurt Vonnegut

Act of Kindness
Place a heartwarming note for your child or a young person in your life saying “I love you” tucked somewhere in their lunch box or under their pillow.

Positive Affirmation
I trust in my abilities and decisions.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1861

Motivation Monday
Life Vest Inside has had the very good fortune of finding writers willing to share their Kindness Stories/Articles with us. One of our special recurring writers is David Jablinowitz, Op-Ed Editor at Jerusalem Post, who is famous for his “bus stories.”
Mother’s Care Package
Emily lived far away from her mother when she got married. She missed her dearly, especially on special occasions like Mother’s Day. Emily wanted to do something special for her mother, but she didn’t know what to do.
Then she came up with an idea. She decided to send her mother a care package filled with things she knew her mother loved. Emily spent hours carefully selecting each item, from her mother’s favorite snacks to a new book she had been wanting to read. She even included a handwritten letter expressing her love and gratitude for all that her mother had done for her over the years.
When Emily’s mother received the package, she was overjoyed. She felt so loved and appreciated, even though her daughter was miles away. She immediately called Emily to thank her and express how much the thoughtful gift meant to her.
Her mother was so touched by the gesture that she decided to plan a surprise visit to see her daughter. When she arrived, they spent the whole weekend together, laughing, reminiscing, and making new memories. Emily’s mother felt so grateful to have such a loving daughter, and Emily felt equally grateful for her mother’s love and support.
From that day on, Emily and her mother made it a priority to stay in touch, even when they were far apart. They sent care packages, video chatted regularly, and made plans to visit each other whenever they could.
The simple act of sending a care package brought a mother and daughter even closer together, reminding them of the love and bond that they share. It’s a beautiful reminder that even the smallest gestures of love and appreciation can have a big impact on the people we care about most.
~ Unknown
Finding yourself inspired to share your kindness story/article? Please submit it HERE – you can share via text, audio or video. Our editor will look it over! You may see your writing in a future issue of The Daily Kind!

Kindness Quote
“I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved.”
George Eliot

Act of Kindness
Tell your parents or mentor how much you love them. Say thank you! Simple? Yes! But, they need to hear that more than you know.

Positive Affirmation
I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1860

Kindness Quote
“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”
James Matthew Barrie

Act of Kindness
Take a few minutes to write a handwritten letter to someone who has made a difference in your life.

Positive Affirmation
I am capable of achieving my goals.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1859

Kindness Quote
“When you give someone your time you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.”
Rick Warren

Act of Kindness
Allow a coworker’s child to shadow you for a day and learn about your job. They might actually want to follow in your footsteps.

Positive Affirmation
I am worthy of success and abundance.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1858

Kindness Quote
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
Walt Disney

Act of Kindness
Leave an inspirational book on a bus or train with a small inscription letting the finder know that it was in fact waiting for them. You’ll never know just how far the book will travel and how many hearts it will touch.

Positive Affirmation
I am confident in my abilities.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1857

Kindness Quote
“He who gives when he is asked has waited too long.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Act of Kindness
Offer to help a tourist find their way.

Positive Affirmation
I am worthy of love and respect.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1856

Motivation Monday
Life Vest Inside has had the very good fortune of finding writers willing to share their Kindness Stories/Articles with us. One of our special recurring writers is David Jablinowitz, Op-Ed Editor at Jerusalem Post, who is famous for his “bus stories.”
Tinker Bell
In 1904, J. M. Barrie introduced the world to Peter Pan, Wendy Darling, and Tinker Bell. The story was popular with children and adults. In 1938, Walt Disney bought all the rights of the Peter Pan story and made Tinker Bell the icon of the Walt Disney Company and the symbol of the magic of Disney. Tinker Bell has also become the centerpiece of Disney Fairy movies.
Tinker Bell is more than a common fairy. Her name, Tinker Bell, has special meaning. The word Tinker means to make or repair. Many people might remember Tinker Toys. Bell is the sound of the fairy language.
In the Peter Pan stories, Tinker Bell’s purpose was to be protective, helpful and kind to Peter. She would encourage him and remind him to hold ‘lovely wonderful thoughts’. There was magic in her ‘fairy dust’ that she dispersed often.
Appearing in many plays and movies, a most memorial performance was in the movie ‘Hook’ starring Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman and Julia Roberts as Tinker Bell. The story was that Peter Pan left Neverland and became an adult, husband, and father. Unfortunately, Peter had forgotten much of the adventure and magic that he had known as a child. Captain Hook had kidnapped Peter’s children and Peter returned to Neverland to rescue his kids. Sadly, he had lost his magic and ability to fly; he was helpless in his fight with Captain Hook. True to her nature, Tinker Bell came to his aid with an important message that brought back his magic and ability to fly. Tinker Bell whispered in his ear, “If you want to fly, you have to have happy thoughts!” Peter began to think happy thoughts, rose to the occasion, and rescued his children.
The message for us all is clear; if you want to ‘fly’, you have to hold ‘happy thoughts’. Negative thinking will bring you down!
~ Loren D. Lasher
Finding yourself inspired to share your kindness story/article? Please submit it HERE – you can share via text, audio or video. Our editor will look it over! You may see your writing in a future issue of The Daily Kind!

Kindness Quote
“Kindness to me is not a duty or responsibility; it’s a unique feeling which makes you happier as you share it.”
Aashish Jagini

Act of Kindness
Stop by your local bagel store at the end of their workday and ask them to donate leftover bagels. Drop them off at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen.

Positive Affirmation
I am forgiving, loving, gentle and compassionate.