This month’s theme: VISION

Articles of the Month

7 Steps to Turn Your Vision into Action – While vision boards and vision exercises help us unconsciously align our activities to achieve our goals, success also takes purposeful seven (plus) things you can do to move vision from the realm of imagination to reality.

Turning Vision into Reality – You must communicate your vision in such a way that it inspires excitement that leads to action. It is the job of an authentic leader to communicate their vision in such a way that people can translate it into reality.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”

Joel A. Barker

“You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things so that all the small things go in the right direction.”

Alvin Toffler

“In order to carry out a positive action, we must develop a positive vision.”

Dalai Lama

Act of Kindness

It takes courage to create a vision and even more courage to act on it. Ruthless commitment is required. But compassion is also required, because when you take risks, mistakes will happen, by yourself and others. Rather than asking, “who is to blame?” ask “what can we learn?” Learn from mistakes and keep moving forward.

Question of the Month

What’s the coolest thing you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t done? Share here or in the comments below.

Kindness Media

Photo of the Month

Share one piece of advice on how you successfully move from your current reality to your desired future. Share your thoughts.

Songs of the Month

A song about acceptance, tolerance, and celebrating differences.

This song is urging people to love one another, and questioning why so much hate exists in the world, this song remains relevant more than one decade later, a pertinent reminder that we should extend love to people of all races and religions.

This song about equality is an anthem that has inspired so many to fight for peace and love. Lennon sings about his belief that we are all one people and that we do not have to be divided by borders or religions.

Videos of the Month

Cole Blakeway, a messy ten-year-old, teaches us the value of celebrating differences as he describes his beautiful friendship with Steven, a 44-year-old man with Autism.

An inspiring video about love and tolerance

A deaf girl comes across a boy who is paralyzed from the waist-down, but neither of them know about each other’s differences.

Books of the Month

Far from the Tree – Laurie Calkhoven – Far from the Tree explores how people who love each other must struggle to accept each other—a theme in every family’s life.

Living The Five Skills of Tolerance – Scott Warrick – This book does not focus on what makes us all different. It focuses on what we all have in common and how we all need to treat each other on an individual basis as human beings. The Five Skills of Tolerance form the roadmap that helps US ALL evolve into 21st century human beings and build a better world.

The Psychology of Tolerance in Times of Uncertainty – Malgorzata Kossowska – This unique book lays out the motivational basis for tolerance, the most important underlying factor that shapes people’s social attitudes and determines our ability to get along with others.

One of These Is Not Like the Others – Barney Saltzberg – Even though one of these is not like the others, that’s just fine with these friends…because it’s how they rock and roll. Cute illustrations show friend groups with one different-looking friend.

We’re Different, We’re the Same – Bobbi Kates – Noses look different but they’re the same, too, because they breathe and sniff. Sesame Street characters show kids that no matter how things look on the outside, we’re also the same on the inside.

Just Like Brothers – Elizabeth Baguley – Lush illustrations and lyrical text tell the redemptive story of two different creatures who come together in friendship despite warnings from their parents. Because sometimes people judge negatively when someone is different.
