The Kindness Flash #23


This month’s theme: LOVE – let’s measure by the heart!

Everyday Kindness: Swept Away In Kindness

Frieda remembers a lesson in love that her father taught her one afternoon when he took her along to pay their neighbour a visit!

Edited By Soumya John •

Everyday Kindness: Building Bridges Of Love

Shirish’s workplace was the collision of two worlds, the wealthy and the less privileged. During his tenure, he stepped in the gap between the two worlds and decided to give love endlessly. Find out how it boomeranged back to him!

Edited By Soumya John •


Reflections on Love: by Orly Wahba

Love exists in so many forms, each beautiful and unique in their own way. Love between a parent and child, husband and wife, teacher and student, friends, family, love of self, etc… I don’t think any two people love in the same way. It’s something personal and internal. It’s the way we interact with the world but it begins with the way we interact with ourselves. For some love is just a word thrown around like confetti. For others loved is sacred only shared with those close enough to be vulnerable with. But for all, love is something all consuming, unconditional and in my humble opinion it can never be truly understood because love grows and with growth comes change in interpretation and meaning. Love grows because we grow. When we grow our perception of love shifts and develops. Read More >>

good-newsArticle of the Month

10 things you might not know about love By Barbara Fredrickson

While we often think of love in terms of the people we associate it with, love is a capacity, emotional and mental, that we can build and strengthen within us. Read on to discover 10 interesting facts about love and how it can help us lead healthier lives!

kindness-quote-of-the-monthKindness Quote

“Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It’s not ‘I love you’ for this or that reason, not ‘I love you if you love me.’ It’s love for no reason, love without an object.”
~ Ram Dass

act-of-kindness-of-the-monthAct of Kindness

Think and write down five ways that you can manifest love in your life every day. Begin to mindfully observe how you do it, how it makes you feel, and the impact it has on those around you. From telling people that you love them, to lending someone a hand with their chores, to praying for or sending loving thoughts to people you care about, love can be practiced in many ways!

question-of-the-monthQuestion of the Month

What would be your acronym for LOVE? SHARE your thoughts?

kindness-media-of-the-monthKindness Media


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Why do you think this picture represents love? SHARE your thoughts!


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Love isn’t necessarily this epic thing. Love is found in the simple moments, the thoughtful gestures, the silent whispers shared between people who can be their complete selves. As the song goes, “I never had to pretend, you’ve always known who I am.”


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of the Month

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In this beautiful and touching video by Soulpancake, the question of what is love is explored through the lens of people ages 0 to 100. Perhaps you’ll discover something you wouldn’t have considered before.


book-of-the-monthBook of the Month

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The New Psychology of Love

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The New Psychology of Love by Robert J. Sternberg and Karin Sternberg

This book is a collection of studies from over a dozen experts who have been studying the phenomenon of ‘love’. It presents psychological theories on love—biological, taxonomical, implicit, cultural— addressing questions about defining love, the evidence for competing theories, and practical implications.


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