The Kindness Flash #12


This month’s theme: INTEGRITY – “choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.” ~Brené Brown, Rising Strong.

everyday kindness

Everyday Kindness: A Little Piece Of Heaven

When Javier and a friend were turned away from an exclusive nightclub he didn’t let disappointment spoil his evening. While grabbing a hotdog from a nearby vendor a street kid asked them for money. Instead, Javier invited him to join them and bought the boy two hot dogs. Javier noticed another street kid’s wide eyed amazement and invited that boy over too. A simple, impromptu gathering that made a lasting impression on everyone there.

Edited By Jewel Fries •

Everyday Kindness: A Heart Of Gold

Street lamps illuminated the road as I walked home one Saturday night shivering against the cold wind. Silence filled the air with most people comfortably inside their warm homes. My footsteps grew louder and my pace increased to keep away the chill. When I reached the corner of what I thought was the last block of my journey, a whisper emerged from the silence, “Sir, hello sir.”

Edited By Jewel Fries •

good-newsGood News

On a Sunday in April, 2012, Leon Lewandowski, decided to challenge himself to try to do one Random Act of Kindness (RAOK) each day for the month of April. Soon, he brought his family and friends into his RAOK Challenge to grow into what it has become today.

In the years to come, his elementary school students hopped on board, along with other schools in the area, as well as strangers on Facebook, businesses, organizations, churches, sororities, etc.

“Kindness,” says the educator, “should not be limited to just one month, but I have found that once someone can do a RAOK for 30 days, it becomes a habit, part of who they are, and it continues past April.” Lewandowski would love to get more people who are already dedicated to kindness to join him and his grassroots movement this April to do a RAOK, and then post their experiences on the group’s Facebook page.

When each of us spreads kindness consistently, it spreads like ripples in a pond, and that’s the first step in changing the world.

good-newsArticle of the Month

Do you walk your talk? Say what you mean and mean what you say? Or does your language take you down roads you’re not willing to follow? Taking a closer look at how your words and deeds connect — or don’t — can help you see where you really stand.

Walking Your Talk: The Path To Personal Integrity – Cat Thompson

kindness-quote-of-the-monthKindness Quote

“Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.”
~ Janis Joplin

act-of-kindness-of-the-monthAct of Kindness

Decide to act honestly in ANY and ALL dealings or interactions. Your integrity is more important than any personal gain. Do the right thing even when nobody’s watching.

kindness-media-of-the-monthKindness Media


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Why do you think this picture represents integrity? SHARE your thoughts!


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“If I could tell the world just one thing it would be that we’re all ok. And not to worry because worry is wasteful and useless in times like these. We will fight, not out of spite. For someone must stand up for what’s right. Cause where there’s a man who has no voice, there ours shall go singing.” Powerful words from a powerful singer and believer in the good of humankind. Let’s muster the courage to always stand for what’s right.


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After a group of 5th grade boys noticed a classmate with a learning disability getting teased, they banded together and made him a part of their gang.


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Ash Beckham recently found herself in a situation that made her ask: who am I? She felt pulled between two roles — as an aunt and as an advocate. Each of us feels this struggle sometimes, she says — and offers bold suggestions for how to stand up for your moral integrity when it isn’t convenient.


book-of-the-monthBook of the Month

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Let Go Or Be Dragged: A Book Of Conscious Choices

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Let Go Or Be Dragged: A Book Of Conscious Choices by Debbie Hyde

Written by one of our own ambassadors, Debbie Hyde. Let Go Or Be Dragged is about living our values authentically and with integrity in all we do – helping us all to recognise that our conscious or unconscious actions may be stopping us from living with true integrity and showing us ways we can instead become consistent.


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