Motivation Monday

Life Vest Inside has had the very good fortune of finding writers willing to share their Kindness Stories/Articles with us. One of our special recurring writers is David Jablinowitz, Op-Ed Editor at Jerusalem Post, who is famous for his “bus stories.”

A Helping Hand in the Rain

On a dark spring night, the rain poured heavily as I made my way home from college in the pre-cellphone era. The road was slick and visibility was low, making the drive particularly challenging. Suddenly, fate threw a curveball my way—a flat tire, just three miles away from the small town where my parents lived. Panic set in as I realized I hadn’t paid attention during the tire-changing demonstration in my driver’s education class. I felt utterly helpless.
I parked on the shoulder of the county road, my mind racing for a solution. That’s when I saw headlights approaching from behind. It was a young man, accompanied by his wife. Hope sparked in my heart as he got out of the car and asked if I needed help. It was an understatement; I was beyond grateful for his offer.
Despite the rain pouring down and the mud on the roadside, the young man didn’t hesitate to assist me. He got down and began to change my flat tire, getting muddy and soaking wet in the process. All I could do was stand there, feeling a mix of appreciation and embarrassment for my lack of knowledge in this situation.
In just fifteen minutes, he had replaced the flat tire with my spare, all the while remaining calm and composed. I thanked him profusely, but he simply smiled and brushed off my gratitude. The young husband then quietly returned to his car, his wife at his side, and waited until I drove off safely.
Their kindness was a beacon of light on that dark and rainy night. It reminded me of the goodness that exists in people, of how a simple act of kindness can make a world of difference. From that day forward, I vowed to pay it forward, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, just as that young couple had done for me.
~ Megan Smith

Finding yourself inspired to share your kindness story/article? Please submit it HERE – you can share via text, audio or video. Our editor will look it over! You may see your writing in a future issue of The Daily Kind!

Kindness Quote

“Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself.”

Tyra Banks

Act of Kindness

Write a love letter to yourself.

Positive Affirmation

I trust that love, kindness, generosity, and compassion have the power to heal and transform.

Kindness Media

Please share this with anyone and everyone who is a believer in the human spirit, a believer in hope. Let's remember in a sea full of troubles, kindness keeps the world afloat.