A worldwide online class by our First Kindness Partner Travis Hellstrom (founder of Advance Humanity), starts up this Thursday night called Peace Corps 101!

What’s Peace Corps 101 you might ask?

Only the most amazing group of Peace Corps Professors from around the world, including Volunteers from places Zambia, Jordan, the Philippines, Ukraine, Senegal, Jamaica, Honduras and Mongolia! Led by Travis, who is also author of the Unofficial Peace Corps Volunteer Handbook and Enough, Peace Corps 101 will cover everything from applying, training, and serving in Peace Corps, to coming home, a lifetime of service and everything in between. Throughout class they’ll also be talking with friends from organizations like Teach for America, AmeriCorps, the Fulbright Program, nonprofit friends (like Life Vest Inside!) and many more about serving, making a difference and changing the world.

Proceeds from the class will be going to the National Peace Corps Association and Peace Corps projects around the world and even better (is that possible?) the class if available on a pay-what-you-want scale so anyone can get involved – even for free!

If you are interested in the class, join on in! And help us do Travis a favor by sharing the class with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

You never know who you’ll inspire!

To learn more visit peaecorps101.com.

Thanks everyone!
