One Kind Deed

Deserves Another

I absolutely love receiving emails from members of the Life Vest Inside community who not only are inspired by the organization, but also take that inspiration and turn it into action. Last week I posted the following comment on Facebook:

This past week I have received dozens of phone calls, messages, and emails from people that have lost or misplaced objects (wallet, cell phone, license). They were excited and anxious to share with me that someone went out of their way to return the object. Each message started with, “Orly, you’re not going to believe this…” In matters pertaining to kindness – I will always believe in the good of others:)

Even crazier, as I was in the midst of writing this post I received a call from a friend telling me that he misplaced his cellphone – I assured him that with the energy of goodness floating in the air – it will find its way back to him:) I await his phone call letting me know that a kind-hearted person has returned it to him!

The act of the day was to take time to return a lost object. A few days later I received such a beautiful email from Eduardo Klein from Brazil who shared his story with me.

Eduardo wrote:

I read about the misplaced objects post on Facebook and would like to take the opportunity to share an experience I recently had. 

Two weeks ago during my vacation I parked my car on a beach called Bertioga (São Paulo State, Brazil) and went for a walk and lunch. After two hours when I got back to my car I could not find my keys. A couple approached asking me if I was the owner. As I answered yes the man handed me the keys and told me that I had left the keys hanging on the lock of the door. Brazil is not the safest place to leave a car even unlocked but this couple waited about an hour for me while I was walking on the beach with absolutely no worries.

What a wonderful world this can be!

After the incident, I remembered that last month we found someone’s car documents on the sidewalk in front of my store. I managed to locate the owner’s phone number on the Internet as he works as a salesperson. He had been robbed a few days earlier and most probably the robber had thrown them away. I mailed him the documents, no big deal. He was so happy that the document was found and that he wouldn’t have to cross the town to get it back, that he thanked me about a thousand times. I really felt like him that day and remembering that I thanked the couple about a thousand times.

Maybe kindness is a force that once started you begin to experience both sides of it; one as the giver and the other as the receiver.

Well, thank you for your time. Thank you for the wonderful work and I am sure you will experience kindness as much as you create it. 

Your fan from Brazil, 

Eduardo Klein 

Eduardo, thank you for sharing such a lovely story and inspiring others to become both the giver and a very grateful receiver of kindness.

Let’s keep the world afloat, one kind deed at a time!
