Kindness is Thriving

in Bend, Oregon! 

Andy Worcester and Mark Koopman, teachers at High Desert Middle School in Bend, Oregon, have started numerous Kindness Boomerangs within their school! Their 6th period class made THIS VIDEO and showed it to the 750 students within the school. The same class then performed Kindness FreezeMobs for the lunch room!

WOW!!! We are blown away, this is phenomenal. Our Life Vest Inside team is SO proud! Keep the Kindness going, HDMS!!!

Read Andy’s full email:  

Dear Orly,

I would like to share with you how your “Kindness Boomerang” video has impacted High Desert Middle School, in Bend, Oregon. I will try to be brief, but I am very excited about what is happening here. On October 10, we celebrated Unity Day in our school by asking students and staff to wear orange in support of anyone who has been bullied. During the day, a colleague sent a link to your video, which had been shared with her by one of her students. From there the idea of spreading the Kindness Boomerang took off.

My teaching Partner and I are fortunate enough to work with an incredible group of kids who have embraced this idea, and are running with it. On Monday, November 5, we held an all school assembly, combining your video, along with video clips of our students. The kids answered questions such as ” What would it be like if everyone was kind to each other at HDMS?”, or “How does it feel when someone shows you kindness?” Their answers were passionate and real, and the entire student body of 750 was engaged and attentive.

We followed it up today with a Freeze Mob of Kindness during our school lunches. The same students froze in an act of kindness, while their peers watched in amazement. We were able to broadcast it on a screen for all to see, and receive the message that it only takes a slight moment in time to show a little kindness.

With the help and enthusiasm of our students, we will continue to “throw boomerangs” throughout the year, as more activities are being planned.

I can honestly tell you that the last two events would not have taken place without the inspiration from your video. It, along with your message has touched our students, my partner and myself, and by the feedback we have received, many others in our school.

We hope to post our class  projects to our school website, and perhaps we could send them on to yours. For now, we send the boomerang back to you, and say thank you. You have inspired us greatly.

Andy Worcester, Mark Koopman, and our awesome 6th period class

