Philip Abrams
Pacific Palisades, USA
It’s Going To Be Alright
Having a son on the autistic spectrum has taken this family on a journey of wonder and challenge, teaching them patience, new perspectives, and an appreciation for the present moment. It has held incredibly joyous times, some harrowing times through which they have been strengthened, deepened their spirituality, and learned compassion.
After a wonderful vacation the resilience this family had built was tested when they found themselves stuck in the Atlanta airport after having missed a connecting flight by mere minutes when returning from Jamaica. People on the spectrum often find deviations in any plan very traumatic. Philip ponders, “Imagine falling into an abyss and not knowing when you will hit the bottom – I think that must be what it is like for him at those times when the order and structure of his life is disrupted.” This was definitely a deviation from the plan.
His son’s reaction reflected the dark miserable weather that met them upon their arrival and he was unable to contain his own fear, frustration, and anger. Upon arriving at their hotel after a thankfully brief cab ride he announced himself by flinging his suitcases through the open front doors.
Surprisingly, the woman behind the counter remained calm, promptly processing the keys for adjoining rooms and presented him with his keycard. She even ignored another guest’s rude protest about the boy’s behaviour. The woman turned to the bedraggled parent and said,
It’s going to be all right. My brother is on the autistic spectrum and it’s going to be all right.
Philip says, “Emotion welled up inside and I wanted to crumple into her arms. Someone who understood. Someone who didn’t respond with fear. An angel in the guise of Some One!”
– Edited by Jewel Fries