This month’s theme: BOLDNESS

Coming Up This Month
As I began thinking about the theme of Boldness, I thought what can be more bold than stepping out of your comfort zone and connecting with people from around the world.
Did you know studies have shown that dancing makes you happier?! That’s pretty awesome!
That got me thinking, instead of dancing once a year in our annual Dance for Kindness, why not have a monthly Dance Party and spread the happiness year round! And so, I’m psyched to announce Life Vest Inside’s Monthly Dance Party with Choreographer Marvin Cassie! Each month will feature a new dance and dance style and the best part is, you get to have a say in which style we dance to next!
Each month a new dance will be posted right on the website. Sign up, learn the steps and JOIN us in the beginning of every month on zoom to DANCE with people from around the world. We’ll end off our dance classes with some good old fashioned connection where you’ll get to learn more about your monthly dance buddies! PLUS, at the end of our dance session, I along with our partner Mariel Wilk will share 3 fun and easy Acts of Kindness that we will complete LIVE on the zoom call together and share what the experience was like!
First Monthly Dance Party Happening On: FEBRUARY 9th 6pm (New York)

Articles of the Month
What Does It Mean To Be Bold For Change – It is never too early nor is it ever too late to be bold for change. Any change you desire starts with you. The way we raise our girls and boys to be accommodating of differences is a great starting point.
What Kindness Can Do – Be kind and you will live better and longer.
How to Be Bold – Discover what makes you different and then parade it around for all to see. Put flags on it, call attention to it and love yourself for it no matter what others think. That is the heart of boldness.

“People survived by being cautious, but they got ahead by being bold.”
V.E. Schwab
“The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock.”
Tony A. Gaskins Jr.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Act of Kindness
Be bold and courageous. Engage in an act of kindness that’s out of your comfort zone. Talking to a stranger, visiting a local hospital, or something as simple as holding the door for someone. Kindness is unstoppable; be the one to light the flame.

Question of the Month
What does being bold mean to you? Share here or in the comments below.

Kindness Media

Songs of the Month
An empowering anthem for anyone who needs an extra dose of courage to take a stand and keep pushing forward one day at a time.
A simple yet undeniably resonant message: Be yourself – that is the boldest thing you can do.
Reinforces the little voice in our head that wants us to reach for great heights and never ever give up!

Videos of the Month
Grace shares stories of experiences that have taught her about service. She speaks on the subject of the servant mindset and how our passions can lead us to do bold things for other people.
To be bold you should do at least one thing a day in line with your purpose.

Books of the Month
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level – Gay Hendricks – Your life is meant to be full of unlimited joy, abundance, and love. You are meant to have and do amazing things. Just get out of your own way, and stop the doubting and negative thinking.
The Magic of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz – This book will help you realize that a willingness to think big, opens the door to new and greater opportunities. The bigger you think the more elevated your life will become.
Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams – Mike Dooley – “Our thoughts become things,” is a major tenant of this book. As the good old law of attraction says, by focusing on what we want and experiencing the feelings of having this, we start to make it our reality. It’s time to visualize what you want.
The Day You Begin – Jacqueline Woodson – A powerful, poetic picture book to share with children while talking about bravery and acceptance.
Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave – Jessica Hische – This book teaches kids that bravery isn’t about being fearless. It’s about something magical that happens inside of us to push through our fear, self-doubt, and anxiety and do the things that feel hard or frightening.
The Pink Hat – Andrew Joyner – The Pink Hat symbolizes solidarity and change and is a reminder to readers that they’re never too young to start shaping the future they want.