This month’s theme: HARMONY – Living together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing.

Articles of the Month
And the world came together… – During these times, when COVID-19 threatens our lives and our livelihood, we are filled with uncertainty, anticipation and fear. But these times are also made up of something else. It is laced with connection, compassion, and altruism.
New App, Daily Haloha, Restores our Sense of Humanity – Anonymous, judgment-free, popularity-free, pressure-free and guided by a single conversational spark each day, Daily Haloha brings us together as people.
Living together in Harmony – If we are to live together in harmony we need to expand our consciousness and allow space for all living beings, we need to understand the life that is in all things and perceive the infinity of the universe.

Spotlight on Kindness
It is my pleasure to introduce the Spotlight on Kindness portion of our newsletter, highlighting the inspiring and empowering work of another to bring kindness, joy, love and hope into the world.
This month’s Spotlight on Kindness is Amy Giddon. Amy understands that to create harmony we must all hear one another and respect the song we all infuse into this world. Through her incredibly inspiring app, The Daily Haloha, she is ensuring that HARMONY is alive and well in the world!
And we are happy to share with you how she started this amazing project:
“My Daily Haloha story began in the fall of 2016 after the US presidential election. Read More >>
Challenge of the Month
To honor Amy’s great work, I would like to invite each of you to join in and contribute to the Daily Aloha on JUNE 25th. On that day Life Vest Inside is partnering with the Daily Aloha to bring you a Life Vest Inside Kindness Question. All we ask is that you share your thoughts. The app gives users an outlet for expression free of social validation while creating a sense of belonging. To download the app, click HERE. We hope to see your responses on JUNE 25th.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it makes great things decay.”
“The trials on the road to world harmony are no greater than the courage of those who accept the challenge.”
Carl Lewis

Act of Kindness
Practice a mindset of harmony. To live a harmonious life doesn’t necessarily mean that you agree with everyone, but rather that you are willing and open to listen and engage in dialogue. Make an effort to be more understanding of another person’s point of view. It’s not always easy to really listen to a perspective that we may not agree with but it is often the best way to create a positive world infused with harmony. Remember, we are all different, each with our own perception. Honor each person’s viewpoint without want or need to convince them of your own.

Question of the Month
How do you create a sense of harmony in your life? Share here or in the comments below.

Kindness Media

Photo of the Month

How does this picture represent HARMONY? Share your thoughts!

Song of the Month
A song telling us that there’s a shining light in every one of us, so let’s unite together because we are ONE.

Videos of the Month
While we may be physically separated, let us remember that We are All in This Together. With SPIRITS HIGH, LOVE for one another STRONG, and HOPE unwavering we WILL overcome…TOGETHER
Despite our differences, music truly has the power to unite people in harmony.

Books of the Month
The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony – Gregory Reece-Smith – This book takes readers on an inspiring journey of opportunity to dispel the layers of beliefs hiding our true and deepest self. Allowing us to discover grace, peace, and unconditional love that is within every single one of us on this planet.
Imperfect Harmony: Finding Happiness Singing with Others – Stacy Horn – Imperfect Harmony is the story of one woman who has found joy and strength in the weekly ritual of singing and in the irresistible power of song.
Hearts in Harmony – Beth Wiseman – A story about young adults uniting despite their differences through a shared love of music.
O’Mighty Harmony – Arthur Bimont – A beautiful tribute to life and nature. Arthur has always been very eager to share his dream of peace and happiness in the world. He worries about the state of our planet and continues to think through ways to make a difference.
The Harmony Tree – Randy S. Woodley – In The Harmony Tree, an old grandmother oak tree is spared when loggers come through and clear-cut a forest. Grandmother Oak finds herself alone until new houses start showing up on the land, along with new trees. As Grandmother Oak shares her stories and how she came to have such deep roots, she finds hope and healing.
This Love: A Celebration of Harmony Around with World – Isabel Otter – Love is a language that is understood and shared by people all around the world. Whether we’re reading quietly with a loved one or playing on the beach with friends, all across the globe, the love we feel for one another is the same.