The Kindness Flash #11


This month’s theme: FORGIVENESS – the art of altering our perception to understand the feelings of another.

everyday kindness

Everyday Kindness: The Best Kindness Ever

As little girl June found her own Mary Poppins in her very special nanny Freda who taught her how to love and be loved, and that forgiveness is far more important than being bitter.

Edited By Jewel Fries •

Everyday Kindness: Making A Better Tomorrow Today

Working at a remote school in Argentina made getting places challenging for Yanina. It was no different the day she was trying to be on time as she rushed to a job interview. It wasn’t long before Yanina realized she would be late. Undaunted she came up with Plan B, but sometimes Plan B needs a kind stranger in the right place at the right time to make the pieces all fall into place.

Edited By Jewel Fries •


Kind Connection: Christina Maas

She never bothered restricting herself to one definition of kindness. From a very early age, Christina showered love upon anyone who she felt could use a little more of it. Read on to find out more about her journey, and how you can become a part of the “LVI Ambassador Knights Thinking Tank”!

Read the full interview on the blog >>

good-newsGood News

While forgiveness is something that most of us grapple with on a somewhat regular basis, there are stories like that of Mary Johnson’s which inspires us to understand the capacity of the human heart to love, be kind, and to restore through forgiveness.

Mary’s only child, a young teenage boy named Laramiun Byrd, lost his life on being shot by another young man named Oshea Isreal during a fight.

A dozen years later, Mary went to prison to visit the man who took away her son’s life. She was worried what to expect, but saw a completely changed man at the other end. She knew that he was aware of what he had taken away from her. She hugged him, and let him know that he was forgiven by her.

Mary found an organization called From Death To Life with Oshea’s mother. The organization aims to bring healing and reconciliation between families who have lost loved ones in acts of violence.

Mary sees Oshea as her own son, and in a short talk of theirs, she shared that she never got to see her son graduate or go to college, but she now sees him in Oshea and cannot wait for Oshea to graduate!

good-newsArticle of the Month

Forgiveness has always been something talked about as an absolute on the higher end of the moral compass. While it is true that the benefits of forgiving someone are manifold, how often do we discuss what forgiveness really means? Read on to find out how you can forgive, or choose not to, and still move ahead to lead a healthy life.

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

kindness-quote-of-the-monthKindness Quote

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
~ Lewis B. Smedes

act-of-kindness-of-the-monthAct of Kindness

Forgive Yourself! We all make mistakes; we all fall short sometimes, but if you harp on errors of judgement you’ve made, you won’t allow yourself to get up and take a step towards making things right. YOU are not your mistakes – YOU are better than that!

kindness-media-of-the-monthKindness Media


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Why do you think this picture represents forgiveness? SHARE your thoughts!


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It was this song that I listened to time and time again as a child with tears streaming down my face, feeling as though Michael Jackson was speaking words directly from my heart. The greatest healing comes from forgiveness; the ability to see past the hurt and trust again. His words ring so very true today: “We could fly so high, let our spirits never die. In my heart I feel you are all my brothers. Create a world with no fear, Together we cry happy tears. See the nations turn their swords into plowshares. We could really get there, If you cared enough for the living. Make a little space, To make a better place.”


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of the Month

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Dr. Shawne Duperon, 6 time Emmy Award winner and nominee for Nobel Peace Prize for her work with Project Forgive Foundation, talks about the journey and process of forgiveness. Instead of shovelling down what is incomplete, Duperon believes that one must “Face it, move through it, transform it, love it up and be with it!”


book-of-the-monthBook of the Month

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The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World

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The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World by Desmond & Mpho Tutu

Tutu’s role as the Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission taught him much about forgiveness. If you asked anyone what they thought was going to happen to South Africa after apartheid, almost universally it was predicted that the country would be devastated by a comprehensive bloodbath. Yet, instead of revenge and retribution, this new nation chose to tread the difficult path of confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation.


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