Inspiring Kindness in Full Swing

Inspiring Kindness Update

This has been an amazing month for Life Vest Inside and I am so excited to share with you a few exciting moments from Vancouver, Washington coming at you from our very own, Jason Hattrick – COO of Life Vest Inside.

Our Inspiring Kindness initiative is in full swing. The Clark County Sheriff’s Office continues to spread kindness as if they were on a high speed chase. In fact, I was introduced to a wonderful young lady through a Facebook post that was sent to me from one of our deputies. Here is the actual post:


It was not the fact that she had collected over 80 blankets that got my attention but it was where her heart was. She is a living example of humility and grace that we want all of our children to grow up and emulate. That put my wheels in motion to plan a “Kindness Sting” to surprise and honor Missica. Myself and Clark County Sheriff’s Deputies Bain, Boyse and McCarthy showed up ready to go. We were also joined by another LVI partner Sabrina Mendez, Regional Manager of Dutch Bros. Coffee as she loves the idea of giving back to our community and wanted to honor Missica as well. With Principal Ed Little’s permission, we planned on just showing up at their school’s moring chapel where all students and staff begin their morning as a captive audience but…

Just two minutes before we were going to make our grand entrance our deputies got an urgent call, had to leave campus and engage in a pursuit and unfortunately were unable to present Missica with her citation. I bring this up for a specific reason. Our law enforcement officers do so much for our communities that are not part of their job description to create wonderful relationships with the citizens of every community. With a grateful heart, I am honored to know men and women, that when duty calls, place themselves between danger and us. I give a heartfelt “Thank you” to all law enforcement officers out there for your courage and choosing to stand for others.

Sabrina and myself did go to chapel and surprised Missica in front of her peers, teachers and parents with a well deserved Kindness Citation and a wonderful gift basket from Dutch Bros. It only takes one to start a movement and Missica is one of those people. Congratulations to Missica!

