Amanda Yates
North Carolina, USA
Our Warm and Fuzzy Kindness Ambassador
“…what he said to me I will never forget. He said ‘you are the best person I’ve ever met.’ I know that may not mean much to some people but I could just see how grateful and sincere he was in his eyes.”
Amanda Yates was on her way out of the bathroom when she heard someone crying in one of the stalls. Caught off guard and awkwardly placed in this position, she didn’t know what to do. Afterall, communicating through a bathroom stall is a bit awkward. With a pen and paper in her hand, and love and empathy in her heart Amanda started writing. She slipped the paper under the stall and SUCCESS – the crying stopped and an idea was born! ‘Warm and fuzzies’ she called it. Small notes packed with lots of love that she handed to random strangers in need of a bit of cheering up.
Amanda may have questioned her idea before, but an unlikely encounter with a homeless man proved that “warm and fuzzies” were in greater demand than she thought. She could have walked on by, thrown a few dollars his way, or possibly a kind head nod – but not Amanda. She grabbed some snacks, walked on over and what started out as a short convo quickly turned into 30 minutes. She didn’t just make his day, she learned his story, gave him a voice, and made him feel important. You can imagine what Amanda did next. She reached into her pocket, handed him a “warm and fuzzy” card and realized that she too was left with a warm and fuzzy feeling.
…what he said to me I will never forget. He said ‘you are the best person I’ve ever met.’ I know that may not mean much to some people but I could just see how grateful and sincere he was in his eyes. Ya know, some people just need someone to listen. Someone to let them know they aren’t alone in this world, someone DOES care about them!?