Emily Shane

an example of Kindness Personified

Emily Shane was a 13 year old girl who was murdered on April 3, 2010 by a suicidal driver on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California. Emily lived in Malibu her entire, short life and was the youngest of three daughters to her parents, Ellen and Michel. Her sudden and tragic death had a tremendous impact on her family and entire community.


Emily was an extremely kind and empathic person. She was the type who would welcome a new student to the school, ask the child sitting alone at lunch to join her at the lunch table, and have a listening ear if you had a problem. She would cheer you up if were sad. In sports, she would cheer on her teammates & keep spirits up, no matter what the score. Emily had a joyous laugh that was contagious. She related well to people of all ages and left a positive impression on everyone she met.


In her honor, her family created a website: emilyshane.org. We encourage everyone to look at it. You will see a short bio about Emily and some photos of her. Most important, you can read postings of good deeds. We ask that you enter any and all good deeds to help us move closer to our goal of one hundred million good deeds! It can be the smallest gesture of kindness or a major act of significance. You can enter anonymously if desired. You can enter many deeds at one time, or one at a time.


We are proud to associate our “Pass it Forward” campaign with Life Vest Inside’s mission of spreading kindness and goodwill. We are linked by a goal of making the world a better place through affecting people’s mindset of reaching out to others.

Our website also features our Foundation’s SEA Program, which provides mentoring to struggling middle school students with learning/processing challenges who could not otherwise afford this type of support. You can click on that link, should you be interested in further information about this program.
