Orly Wahba addresses the Women’s Chamber of Commerce:

The Magic of Kindness

On Thursday April 18th, 2013, Orly Wahba, founder of Life Vest Inside, was invited back to speak at the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce for their quarterly Women in Business Luncheon. The Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce is a valued resource for businesses and the community. The Chamber fosters growth for its members by providing information, facilitating business education, encouraging collaboration and sponsoring networking opportunities.

Bill Atkins, a member of the Board, commented, “Orly had first come to speak at the luncheon back in November and after such a positive response, I felt it necessary to have her present again. Especially with everything that’s happened in Boston, people are in need of a powerful message to restore their faith in humanity.

Life Vest Inside is a non-profit organization with a mission to unite and empower the world with kindness. “It’s all about helping people see the amazing and wonderful potential they have to make a difference in the world through simple yet powerful acts of kindness!” Orly stated.

The event was a huge success. As soon as Orly began speaking, she instantly lit up as she shared the story of Life Vest Inside and the powerful message it carries. People were captivated by her words, and enchanted by the great cause she is working towards achieving. Terese Rölke, an Independent Representative of Primerica Financial Services Insurance Marketing, Inc commented, “This was the most amazing presentation, Orly is a fabulous speaker. She inspired the whole crowd. There’s no doubt that she is going to make a difference in the world. Not only does she have a huge heart, she is authentic and it shines through.”

Orly’s engaging presentation told the story of how she first started out and what drove her to invest all of her time into this worthy cause. “The concept of uniting people has been a part of my story since childhood, but it was my students who inspired me to take it to the next level.” In spite of the obstacles Orly faced when starting out on her venture, she pressed on and had a positive mindset for her vision. “I told myself that if I truly believe in my vision I need to let go of the fear of failure and just begin. I had no idea how I would reach the masses, but I knew I wouldn’t give up.

She shared some of her personal challenges and obstacles in life, experiences many can relate to. “We may not be able to prevent the curve balls life throws our way, but we most certainly can throw someone a life vest, a life line of kindness to help see them through, to help keep them afloat. After all we are all part of this world to help see each other through,” stated Orly. Maggie Ruane, a Sales Consultant at CSAV Systems remarked, “She is a phenomenal person and her presentation was great because she brings in real life situations others can relate to. It really touches your heart and it makes you want to do something as great as she is doing.”

In her words, “Kindness is Magical because more than anything it reminds a person of their worth and just how valuable they truly are. In today’s society we all need a reminder that we matter.”

The event ended with a roaring standing ovation and one by one the attendees approached Orly to share their personal stories and how the message of the organization resonated so deeply with them. “I have been attending these luncheons for 3 years and I’ve never seen anyone receive a standing ovation,” one of the woman remarked.

The message is so simple, yet so powerful. “Kindness doesn’t require a change in lifestyle, but simply a change in perspective.”

~Shannyce Lashley

(Shannyce is currently interning with Life Vest Inside and is a student at Brooklyn College)

To learn more about Life Vest Inside and donate visit: www.lifevestinside.com

Interested in Corporate Sponsorship opportunities? Email: lifevestinside@gmail.com Call: 347.2929.LVI

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