The Daily Kindness Digest #1910

Kindness Quote
“Open your heart—open it wide; someone is standing outside.”
Mary Engelbreit

Act of Kindness
Offer a refreshment to a construction worker on a hot day.

Positive Affirmation
I am a magnet for loving and compassionate relationships.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1909

Kindness Quote
“How beautiful a day can be, when kindness touches it.”
George Elliston

Act of Kindness
Next time you pass by a lemonade stand—stop! Buy a cup of lemonade and make some yummy noises. Let the kids know how delicious it is.

Positive Affirmation
I am a loving and compassionate presence in the lives of others.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1907

Kindness Quote
“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
Walter Winchell

Act of Kindness
Stick up for someone even if they aren’t around. Now that’s loyalty.

Positive Affirmation
My acts of kindness and generosity create a ripple effect of love in the world.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1906

Motivation Monday
Life Vest Inside has had the very good fortune of finding writers willing to share their Kindness Stories/Articles with us. One of our special recurring writers is David Jablinowitz, Op-Ed Editor at Jerusalem Post, who is famous for his “bus stories.”
History Will Judge Us
You might think that a nearly empty bus would not be the place to find a story, but actually I have found a couple of times that the opposite is true. Perhaps it makes for an even more conducive atmosphere to chat.
During the late morning, there were just a few of us on the bus. We were on Highway 1 from Jerusalem toward Tel Aviv. A modestly-sized sign at an interchange along the way reads: “History will judge us.”
It was an interesting sign. There was no message beyond that. On which side of the divide are the people who posted this message? There was no one there; just the sign that was hanging there.
One of the few other passengers on the bus was also pondering its message. I didn’t ask him, but he wanted to tell me what he thought.
This was his message: “I don’t belong to any organized religious framework, but I believe in God and I feel a belonging to our history. You know what? The people who did this sign are correct; history will judge us, God will judge us. God is neither Right nor Left. He will not judge us over whether we are Right or Left, pro-government or against the government, for or against the judicial overhaul. He will judge us over whether we are genuine.”
I ask him to explain. He replies: “I don’t think it needs any explanation. You know what I mean.”
Then he says: “In exactly two weeks, we mark the Ninth of Av. I don’t care whether you fast; I care if you are genuine. How will history remember 5783? Are we Korach and his people or are we Shammai and Hillel?”
Before I conclude this post, I just want to say that I am no longer amazed, but I was when I first started living in Israel: firstly, everyone has an opinion; and secondly, so many people over the years have said to me that they don’t consider themselves especially religious, but then they proceed to express such an understanding of our history and our place in history.
This gentleman had it right: as long as we understand our place in history and don’t forget that God is watching and wants us to be honest with Him and ourselves, we will be fine.
A woman in a police uniform was also on the bus and heard the conversation. “We will be fine,” she concurred, “but I pray each morning: please God, make sure no one gets killed.”
~ David Jablinowitz
Finding yourself inspired to share your kindness story/article? Please submit it HERE – you can share via text, audio or video. Our editor will look it over! You may see your writing in a future issue of The Daily Kind!

Kindness Quote
“The whole secret of the study of nature lies in learning how to use one’s eyes.”
George Sand

Act of Kindness
Adopt an attitude of gratitude for a day! Before biting into a juicy piece of fruit, take a moment. Look at the amazing creation you’re holding in your hand.

Positive Affirmation
I embrace the interconnectedness of all beings with love and compassion.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1905

Kindness Quote
“The way you help heal the world is you start with your own family.”
Mother Teresa

Act of Kindness
Treat someone you live with to breakfast in bed.

Positive Affirmation
Love and compassion guide my decisions, leading me to make a positive impact.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1904

Kindness Quote
“Let loyalty and truth be paramount with you.”

Act of Kindness
When faced with a choice, choose loyalty.

Positive Affirmation
I am a source of comfort and support for those in need.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1903

Kindness Quote
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn

Act of Kindness
Stop procrastinating! Schedule a checkup at the doctor or dentist. There will always be work, there will always be a long, never-ending to-do list, but your health comes first. Pick up the phone and make the appointment.

Positive Affirmation
My compassion extends to all living beings, promoting their well-being.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1902

Kindness Quote
“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Act of Kindness
See someone who appears lost? Offer to give directions or provide assistance.

Positive Affirmation
I am grateful for the abundance of love and kindness in my life.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1901

Motivation Monday
Life Vest Inside has had the very good fortune of finding writers willing to share their Kindness Stories/Articles with us. One of our special recurring writers is David Jablinowitz, Op-Ed Editor at Jerusalem Post, who is famous for his “bus stories.”
Embracing A Life of Giving
Sarah stood in line at the supermarket, her cart filled with groceries. The total came to $12 more than she had expected. Anxiously, she began removing items, feeling defeated.
Suddenly, a stranger approached her, offering a crumpled twenty-dollar bill. Sarah hesitated, grateful but reluctant to accept the help.
The stranger shared his story. His mother, battling cancer, scolded him for spending money on flowers. She wanted him to bring joy to someone else’s life. He handed Sarah the money, calling it his mother’s flowers.
Touched by his story, Sarah accepted the gesture with gratitude. Inspired by his selflessness, she pledged to pay it forward.
From that day on, Sarah embraced a life of giving. She performed random acts of kindness, understanding the true power of compassion. Through small gestures, she discovered the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to bring light to dark days.
Sarah carried the legacy of the stranger’s mother’s flowers, spreading love and joy wherever she went. She knew that simple acts of kindness could heal hearts and inspire others.
~ J. Riley
Finding yourself inspired to share your kindness story/article? Please submit it HERE – you can share via text, audio or video. Our editor will look it over! You may see your writing in a future issue of The Daily Kind!

Kindness Quote
“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.”
Tom Wilson

Act of Kindness
Start to see past the end of your nose. Greet the doorman, security guard, and maintenance staff with a smile.

Positive Affirmation
I am deserving of love, kindness, generosity, and compassion.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1900

Kindness Quote
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today, you can do it again tomorrow.”
James A. Michener

Act of Kindness
Spend some time reading to kids at a children’s hospital.

Positive Affirmation
My kindness inspires others to be kind as well.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1899

Kindness Quote
“The easiest way to meet people is to just look like someone who is willing to listen.”
Robert Brault

Act of Kindness
Make a new friend. It’s simple. Just introduce yourself to someone new. They won’t bite.

Positive Affirmation
I am deeply loved and supported by the universe.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1898

Kindness Quote
“The secret powers of nature are generally discovered unsolicited.”
Hans Christian Andersen

Act of Kindness
Get back to nature! Plan a hiking trip. Use the time to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the city and reconnect with your very core.

Positive Affirmation
I am a force for good in the world, spreading love and kindness wherever I go.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1897

Kindness Quote
“Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
Mark Twain

Act of Kindness
Out with friends or family for the Fourth? Make it a tech-free time and put away your cell phone.

Positive Affirmation
My words and actions are filled with love and compassion.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1896

Motivation Monday
Life Vest Inside has had the very good fortune of finding writers willing to share their Kindness Stories/Articles with us. One of our special recurring writers is David Jablinowitz, Op-Ed Editor at Jerusalem Post, who is famous for his “bus stories.”
Kindness Action Items To Do
Besides hugs and kisses, nothing feels as good as it does to hear or read one’s Name. There are many opportunities to use a person’s Name. In conversation! When a person hears their name, they feel good and they believe that you are giving them your attention. In written communication! Use a person’s name at the beginning of all emails, text messages, letters, and notes. Use your name at the end of the communication.
Please, Thank You, and Sorry
What has happened to common courtesy? Too often we neglect using PLEASE, THANK YOU and SORRY? These words are powerful, use them! There are other Kindness words and also it is good to have Kindness in your voice: tone, volume, and speed. Thank You in ‘action’ would be to send a Thank You note (email, text, or card) to others for their service and care.
Give To Others – Tithe
The idea to Tithe means to give to others. The word Tithe means 1/10 and implies that you give 10% of your gross income to others. Some churches and religious organizations want you to Tithe to them. I say, give to others, wherever you feel good and appropriate. Just contribute to the good for others.
Similar to Tithing is to Volunteer. If you are retired, then you have time. If you are not retired, to Volunteer is a good activity for family, friends, and coworkers. Volunteerism is a true act of Kindness. A form of Volunteerism is to help out others. A neighbor, or friend would benefit from any act of Kindness.
Driving Kindness
Make an effort to show Kindness while driving. This is easy and it helps you to ‘calm’ yourself while driving.
Elevator Kindness
A smile, a simple greeting, and well wishes are a nice icebreaker and are most often well received.
Welcome Others
If you are a ‘member’ of a group and there is a newcomer, be the person to welcome them. A friendly welcome goes a long way and is well remembered.
Give Second Chances
Forgiveness is the ultimate gift of Kindness. Maybe giving a few ‘chances’ are what might be needed. Forgiveness of ourselves and others.
~ Loren D. Lasher
Finding yourself inspired to share your kindness story/article? Please submit it HERE – you can share via text, audio or video. Our editor will look it over! You may see your writing in a future issue of The Daily Kind!

Kindness Quote
“The only source of knowledge is experience.”
Albert Einstein

Act of Kindness
Take the time to help guide someone through a rough patch by drawing on your own past experiences.

Positive Affirmation
I see the beauty and goodness in every being, treating them with kindness and compassion.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1895

Kindness Quote
“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”
Christian D. Larson

Act of Kindness
Today focus on complimenting yourself and the things you love about you.

Positive Affirmation
I am a channel for divine love and compassion to flow through me.

Kindness Media
The Daily Kindness Digest #1894

Kindness Quote
“Kindness is the one commodity of which you should spend more than you earn.”
T. N. Tiemeyer

Act of Kindness
Give someone a heartfelt compliment today. It’s simple, yet powerful. You just might make their day!

Positive Affirmation
Love, kindness, generosity, and compassion are my guiding principles.