This month’s theme: CREATIVITY

Articles of the Month

How to Spread Kindness with Art – Simply making time for art is an act of kindness towards yourself. We have busy lives, lots of responsibilities, lots of day-to-day chores, and lots of other things we like to do, but it is important to try and make time to be creative.

The Art of Kindness – One of the ways that we like to share those small acts of kindness is through our artwork. There are many ways to use artwork to make someone else’s day just a little bit brighter.

“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.”

Albert Einstein

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

Vincent Van Gogh

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”

Maya Angelou

Act of Kindness

Use your creative talents as an act of kindness to make a difference in the lives of others. Your art can bring people together. It can let them know they are loved and brighten up their day as well.

Question of the Month

In what ways can we spread kindness through creativity? Share your thoughts.

Kindness Media

Songs of the Month

The song expresses a hope for an end to violence, and a prayer for a new era of peace and understanding.

This song is about sharing kind words and the impact they have.

A song about hoping to find a place of peace and forgiveness to inspire kindness in the world.

Videos of the Month

Our creativity and caring can reach more people than we will ever know. When we go out of our way to check in on a friend or we hold the door open for a stranger at the store, we are putting love and hope into the world.

“I care about you!” notes were placed alongside a small coin and given to homeless people. A very creative way of spreading kindness.

Books of the Month

Make & Share Random Acts of Kindness: Simple Crafts and Recipes to Give and Spread Joy – Mique Provost – Fantastic book with really great ideas to spread love and kindness throughout your family and communities.

The Art of Kindness: Caring for Ourselves, Each Other & Our Earth – Meredith Gaston – A book with whimsical illustrations remind us that small acts of kindness truly are the sunshine needed for happiness to grow. Including inspirational essays and quotes, as well as journal prompts and suggestions for living, The Art of Kindness is the best possible guide to practicing more kindness in your life.

Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered – Austin Kleon – Filled with illustrations, quotes, stories, and examples, Show Your Work! offers ten transformative rules for being open, generous, brave, productive.

Artie and Bones – Toni Field – This ARTIE and BONES book belongs on the bookshelf of everyone who enjoys spreading kindness by painting and hiding rocks.

The Kindness Quilt – Nancy Elizabeth Wallace – In this book, the teacher asks the students to work on a Kindness Project. They each need to do an act of kindness and then draw and share their act of kindness. The students draw, cut and paste to make a classroom kindness quilt. This is a perfect art project for your class!

Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler – Margery Cuyler – A kindergarten class aims to do 100 deeds of kindness. With a little creativity, they try to fill their kindness bulletin board.
