Kindness is a lovely quality to have in all walks of life. This extends beyond showing kindness to people. Kindness to animals is equally important and a value that can and should be instilled in children. Showing kindness to animals will earn children the respect, love and trust of an animal which can be nurtured for years to come.

Check out these 10 ways to show kindness to animals.

Tip 1: Go Out in the Wild
Showing children where animals actually live, not a zoo, will give them a sense of responsibility and understanding of how to behave around certain animals. Observing squirrels in a park will teach so much about keeping a suitable distance and not making sudden movements to scare the animal.

Tip 2: Read and Share
It is not always possible to see animals in the wild, but reading books to learn and understand is a pretty good substitute. Choosing a broad range of books will help children to look beyond a simple habitat and diet system. How animals socialize in groups can be a fascinating read.

Tip 3: Animal Shelters
Helping children to understand what can go wrong for animals is a good way to instill kindness. Sharing how some animals are badly treated can be a real eye-opener and is a real-world example of cruelty that is not necessary. Be prepared to talk about what they see.

Tip 4: Become an Owner
What better way to learn about being kind than to actually own an animal? Choosing a pet carefully is the key here as the point is that your child looks after them and builds a bond with them. Give your child specific responsibilities such as providing clean drinking water or feeding time in the morning. This gives them a purpose in the animal’s life.

Tip 5: Environment
It is not just direct kindness that children need to be aware of. Their actions on a larger scale also show kindness to animals. Not littering and disposing of rubbish correctly also show kindness towards animals, especially those in the wild.

Tip 6: Green Fingers
Creating a garden that encourages wildlife to visit is a great way to show kindness towards animals. Creating this together as a family adds value to the process and shows that you are part of the kindness drive too. For example, choose flowers that encourage bees or provide bird-friendly trees to encourage nesting. These simple steps display immense kindness to a huge number of animals.

Tip 7: Get Baking
This idea is based on a traditional cake sale but with an animal twist. Reading about and then creating animal-friendly treats is a lovely gesture in the neighborhood. Yes, you could sell these; but donating them to your local shelter is far more rewarding and so much kinder, too.

Tip 8: Toys
This is a very similar idea to Tip 7 but is more practical. Instead of baking treats, you would be making toys for pets. Research suitable ideas and then get your creative side working. Again, these could be sold or donated to a local animal charity. The choice is yours, but kindness should be your goal.

Tip 9: Spot Kind People
This one takes the focus away from the animal and directs it more onto the person being kind. A lovely gesture would be a simple thank you to someone who is being kind towards animals. Often, people are kind because it is the right thing to do, and they don’t seek recognition for it. A simple thank you is all they want, and you can be the person to deliver it. Highlighting this with your child is key as you will be pointing out exactly what this person has done that is so kind.

Tip 10: Eyes not Hands
This really applies when out in nature on a walk. If animals are spotted, the kindest thing to do is watch and keep your distance. Instilling the clear message of look with your eyes, not your hands is very clear here. This shows kindness towards the animals and a thoughtful approach to nature.

It is one thing to know what kindness is. Acting on it and showing it is a very different proposition. By instilling kindness towards animals in children, there is a better chance of animals being looked after in the future.

Madeline Miller is a freelance writer at Essay Roo and Assignment Writing Service. She writes thought provoking articles about education and is a regular blogger at Big Assignments.
