
In response to growing demands to provide more real-life experiences for children during the school day that are based on improving critical thinking while increasing awareness and use of Kindness, Compassion, and Empathy, Life Vest Inside (LVI) has designed an educational curriculum for K-5th grades.

The Life Vest Inside Kindness Curriculum is uniquely aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Bloom’s Taxonomy to elicit critical thinking in Language Arts foundationally built upon learning experiences rooted in kindness.

The curriculum, currently including Units of Study from Kindergarten through Fifth grade, is unique in that it functions as a seamless curriculum to complement and enhance instruction for teachers, unlike “push-in” curricula requiring teachers to “make time” within a school day to accommodate additional learning objectives reflected outside the CCSS.

Each Unit, designed by experts in the field of education, includes six lessons, a pack of Life Vest Inside Act of Kindness Cards, and the award-winning Kindness Boomerang DVD. Each Unit builds upon the previous Unit, so by the end of Fifth grade, students will have received almost forty lessons directly aligned with the CCSS that additionally enhance their understanding of, and ability to, think critically about ways to generate more kindness on an individual and global level.

Receive an incremental 5% discount (up to 50%) with each additional classroom purchase. Discount will be applied at checkout. Product will be shipped before the start of the next academic year.


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