The Kindness Flash #27


This month’s theme: ACTION – performing an activity with purpose and intention.


Reflections on Action: by Orly Wahba

Action can oftentimes be mistaken for simply doing. But true, positive action is infused with purpose, intention and fueled by passion. Action requires a great deal of strength, vulnerability and forces us to trust in ourselves and what we stand for. Each and every one of us holds within our hearts thoughts, ideals, hopes and dreams for the world. The question is what do we do with those thoughts? Read More >>

good-newsArticle of the Month

“The Mistake Smart People Make: Being In Motion vs. Taking Action” By James Clear

What is the difference between “being in motion” and taking action? This article provides real life examples of how we can oftentimes try to avoid failure by “being in motion” and how to take more action in our lives.

kindness-quote-of-the-monthKindness Quote

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
~ Lao Tzu

act-of-kindness-of-the-monthAct of Kindness

To accomplish your goals, you can’t just think them, it’s important to ink them. Make yourself an action plan using the S.M.A.R.T. method. That means your goals should be Specific: What do you want to accomplish? Why do you want to accomplish it? How do you plan to accomplish it?; Manageable: When you reach your goal, how will you feel? What will you see?; Attainable: Can you achieve your goal with the resources that you have?; Relevant: Do you really want to accomplish your goal?; and Timely: When do you want to accomplish your goals? It’s important to set a deadline(s). Following this method will help you realize that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to!

question-of-the-monthQuestion of the Month

What inspires you to take action? Share your thoughts.

kindness-media-of-the-monthKindness Media


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Why do you think this picture represents action? Share your thoughts.


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“If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.” All change, all action begins with us. There’s no greater motivator to take action then stopping for a moment to look at ourselves in the mirror and asking the question, “Who do I see -and who do I hope to see.” Action requires both introspection and execution. We need to reflect on who we are so we can figure out the next steps of where we want to go.


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of the Month

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What sparks a person to act or choose to hold back? Tune in and see how action is a muscle like any other; it must be exercised to have impact.


book-of-the-monthBook of the Month

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The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

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The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

There are three degrees of action. “No action, retreat and normal action.” To achieve our goals and dreams, one must pay heed to the fourth degree of action, the 10x rule. This book provides you with guidance to assist you in creating your targets, assess the correct degree of effort to invest and implement massive action that will ultimately lead to success.


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