The Kindness Flash #25


This month’s theme: RELATIONSHIPS – Our Greatest Treasures!

everyday kindness

Everyday Kindness: An Incredible Relationship Built In 365 Days

Too often, when the word “relationship” is used it takes on a romantic connotation but we all must remember that some of the best relationships are with those that we experience life with such as family, friends and co-workers.

Edited By Jason Hattrick •


Reflections on Relationships: by Orly Wahba

It’s no coincidence that immediately following last month’s theme of courage we move into the theme of relationships. Relationships are all about being courageous enough to be vulnerable, to let someone in and to be willing to be honest and engage in dialogue even at times when it can be uncomfortable. While we often think of relationships as our connection with someone else, I have found that to begin to even discuss relationships we must start closer to home. Read More >>

good-newsArticle of the Month

Fourteen Proven Ways to Improve Human Relations by Gaurav Akrani

Ever wondered what you could do to actively foster better communication and pave way to better relations in your life? In this article, Gaurav Akrani takes you through 14 ways from working on yourself first, to being open to listening to others to simple ways like just smiling.

kindness-quote-of-the-monthKindness Quote

“If you want a relationship that looks and feels like the most amazing thing on Earth, you need to treat it like it is the most amazing thing on Earth.”
~ Unknown

act-of-kindness-of-the-monthAct of Kindness

Just like anything that grows, relationships need to be nurtured. They are not static but dynamic and constantly changing as the people involved grow. Think of the top five relationships in your life. Ask yourself how you tend to them. Think of a few ways you can actively nourish your relationships­—calls, emails, monthly visits and brunches, travelling with people you love, throwing a party for someone, a text to let someone know that you are thinking of them. Come up with a plan to incorporate some of these into your everyday schedule and watch as the magic unfolds!

question-of-the-monthQuestion of the Month

Name a relationship in your life that has been a constant. How have you been able to maintain it? SHARE.

kindness-media-of-the-monthKindness Media


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of the Month

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Why do you think this picture represents relationships? SHARE your thoughts!


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of the Month

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In this touching and sweet animated music video, we are taken on a journey that encapsulates the essence of building relationships. Some of the most powerful and beautiful relationships are unexpected, throw us for a loop, push us to the limits, take us on a rollercoaster of emotions, make us question, make us give up and then somehow infuse us with the strength to keep at it. Relationships are not about perfection, they’re about being courageous to “dance in the dark” – to be vulnerable and to jump even though you may not know what the outcome will be.


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of the Month

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Building relationships that matter and last aren’t found in larger than life gestures, but simple kind and loving gestures that we do time and time again.


book-of-the-monthBook of the Month

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101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

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101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

A powerful collection of essays that focus on the simple things we can change in our lives that will transform the way we live it. From the relationship we have with ourselves, our thoughts, our actions, to the little things we can do to maintain and build healthy relationships with the people in our lives.


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